(714) 554-5716
12510 Westmister Ave. Santa Ana, CA. 92706

Being in an accident is one of the most worrisome of situations. You worry about your safety and that of others with you. Then you worry about the condition of your car. You also worry about the other driver.

In situations like this, auto insurance is there to help. Sometimes, the other driver will be at fault. This means he or she made mistakes that led to the accident. If this occurs, the other driver’s auto insurance should cover the loss you face. But, what happens if the driver doesn’t have insurance?

Most auto insurance policies allow you to maintain underinsured and uninsured coverage. This type of coverage protects you when the other driver lacks insurance. It only applies if the other driver is responsible for the losses. And, it only covers the damage to your insured vehicle. It does not cover damage to other people or the other driver.

This type of car insurance is a must for many drivers. There is no way to know if another driver has proper coverage when you are sharing the road with them. However, you can still protect yourself. Car insurance like this is often inexpensive. It is also usually easy to add to an existing insurance policy.

For those choosing car insurance, underinsured and uninsured coverage is a good investment. It helps you when you didn’t cause the problem but suffer the loss. This type of scenario can happen to anyone. With coverage, you do not have to worry about the outcome. If you do not have coverage, talk to your car insurance provider about the options available to you to add it for your current policy.

We’ve got you covered. Contact your insurance agent for a fast, free auto insurance quote.

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