(714) 554-5716
12510 Westmister Ave. Santa Ana, CA. 92706

Whether you decide to apply through an independent broker like Policy genius or conduct a full quote comparison on your own, you’ll need the following info on hand when applying for car insurance:

  • Names of all drivers in the household
  • Dates of birth for all drivers in the household
  • Driver’s license numbers for all drivers in the household
  • Social Security numbers for all drivers in the household
  • VINs (Vehicle Information Numbers) for all vehicles
  • An address for the insured (where you live and where the car is garaged, which is usually the same place)
  • Your declarations page from your most recent prior car insurance policy

As you go through the process, you’ll have to answer questions that can help earn you discounts on your coverage, like whether you have any accidents or violations on your record, whether you’re a full time student and if your car is equipped with certain features like an anti-theft device.

Once you’ve compared your quotes, read up on your potential insurers, and picked a car insurance company that you feel good about it, it’s time to put that policy in force and get insured.

Whether you are getting quotes directly from an insurer or through an independent insurance broker, you can sign up for the policy through either option and know that you’ll be getting the same rate. Also a bonus: both brokers and carriers can offer you discounted rates on other insurance policies through the same carrier, like renters or homeowners insurance. If you’ve been working through an insurance broker, they may even be able to sign you up for the policy themselves.

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